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Mostbet az giris onlayn saytında depozitinizə görə bonus qazanın! Mostbet AZ Azərbaycanda ən çox reytinq qazanan bukmekerdir. Bir çox bonusla yanaşı istifadəçilərinə asan depozitlər yatırmaq və çıxarmaq imkanlarıda təqdim edir. saytına daxil olun və sevimli idman və ya kazinonuza mərc edin. Etdiyiniz hər mərc üçün siz birçox bonuslar qazana bilərsiniz.

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The events industry has forever changed in a world affected by COVID-19. The health and safety of our guests, staff and community is our highest priority and paramount. The team at DigiMarCon is dedicated to ensuring a great experience at our in-person events, and that includes providing a safe, clean and hygienic environment for our delegates. Some of the key areas we have implemented safe and hygienic measures include;

  • Limiting Venue Capacities to allow for Social Distancing
  • Health and Safety Protocols
  • Safe Food and Beverages and Food-handling
  • Sanitation Stations with Hand Sanitizer and Wet Wipes Dispensers
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  • Non-Contact Thermal Temperature Scanning

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